Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Donald Trump

Ok, so Trump's casinos have just filed for bankruptcy for the THIRD TIME. Now can we all stop pretending that this putz is some kind of business genius? This guy could not be more irritating. First of all, this is a guy who could afford John Edwards' barber, and his hair looks like this?

Oh, and John Edwards, really? A $400 haircut? Those of us with any sense know that caring about poor people and pampering yourself are not mutually exclusive, but come on! You were running for president. As a Democrat. If you do anything that has the slightest whiff of hipocrisy about it, you will be attacked by the right and abandoned by the left. That's how it works. How do you not know this?

Anyway, back to Trump. Please stop putting this guy on TV, it just inflates his already ridiculous ego. He thinks he coined the phrase "you're fired!"
Oh, and hoojie-mamas, stop sleeping with this schmuck.


  1. Fast forward to February, 2017 and going through some of your older posts...because I can. I stumbled on this one and realized...we should have listened more closely.

  2. Wow! that was my very first post. And it only took 8 years for someone to find it!

  3. Well hell...considering the Cosmos clock, that ain't bad. I'm damned proud to be numero oneo!

    I'm not sure when I started reading your blog, but it may be from the beginning. It's been several years, for sure. I don't always comment, either because of time, or your words say all that need to be said...and many times I can add nothing of intellectual value. I admire your logic and way with phrases, and I really love this blog. On occasion, I click on the sidebar randomly just to surprise myself. So there you go.
