Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bill Maher Is A Dick

I never thought Bill Maher was funny. Worse, he comes across as such a smug, self-impressed, condescending little prick that you kinda just want to smack him. I saw his old show "Politically Incorrect" a few times during its brief run on network TV, and just the fact that he named his show "Politically Incorrect" should tell you all you need to know about Bill Maher.
The phrases "politically incorrect" or "politically correct" Os "PC" or any of its variants are pretty much the sole province of the completely douchebaggish. Generally, those phrases come up in a conversation like this:

Douche: I hate those (fill in ethnic group)
Normal Person: Dude, that's a pretty dicky thing to say!
Douche: Oh, you're so politically correct!


Total Ass: That guy's a total fag!
Normal Person: Why would you rip on someone's sexuality? What's your problem?
Total Ass: Well, I guess 'm just politically incorrect!

Somehow, these terms are seen by the assholes of the world as a way to excuse their assholishness. As if anyone who takes offense at their nasty comments is just being "PC" and being "PC" is like totally gay or something.

But I digress.

On his show "politically Incorrect" Bill would introduce the various guests one by one and when they came on stage, he would greet male guests with a handshake and a "hello" or "how ya doin" or whatever, but female guests, when they came out, Bill would kiss them like he was Richard Dawson and greet them with "hiya gorgeous!" or "how ya doin' sexy!" or the like. It was a shame, because that could have been an interesting show with someone else hosting.

So now, he's got another HBO show, which I've never seen because I don't want to pay for HBO. But I saw this clip on the intertubes:

Wow! What an asshole! Could that have been more blatantly racist? That's how a "real black president" would behave? Like a stereotype street thug? That's what acting black means to you?

Bill Maher, you are a dick. And you're not funny. You never were funny. Even when I agree with you, which happens fairly often, I wish I didn't because I hate to be in agreement with someone who is such a complete ass.

PS, here's Bill Maher dressed as Steve Irwin for Halloween. Stay classy, Bill!


  1. Hmmmm... I don't know. A "real black president" would have been all up Isreal's ass over what happened with the aid ship! :P

    Yes, Bill is a dick. No, he's really not that funny... once in awile I chuckle. I also agree with a lot of what he says though.

    And hey, I WISH people would kiss me and say "hey sexy" when they greet me!


  2. Nicely put, and I completely agree: he's a dick, and even when he gets off a good line, I can't laugh because I'm too irritated at his overall dickishness. I enjoyed Religulous more than I expected; he actually seemed to be attempting not to be a dick most of the time. But in all of the stuff I've seen him in on TV, it appears he's intending not to have honest disagreement and discussion, but to come up with smart-ass comments that will piss everyone off. Like Andrew Dice Clay's cussing and sexism, it's a schtick that is not only boring, but very quickly goes beyond irritating to disgusting in a matter of minutes.

    What a fucking dick.

    BTW, Sunshine/Laura, you're looking so sexy today I need a spatula to get my eyeballs off the backside of my glasses. ;)

  3. Lockwood~ Thank you!!! Now that's exactly the type of thing I want to hear! :P

  4. Bill Maher is AN INCREDIBLE DICK.

    I have HBO, and HAVE watched "Real Time With Bill Maher". It's not too far off from his previous show "Politically Incorrect".

    I think if we just locked Bill up in the Playboy Mansion (where he's at 90% of the time ANYWAY), and gave him a big sack of pot, he MIGHT keep his mouth shut.
