Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Glenn Beck Loves Nazis!

From Media Matters:

Beck: No apologies for promoting an anti-Semite Nazi sympathizer

June 07, 2010 11:20 am ET by Simon Maloy

This morning on his radio program, Glenn Beck responded to the general outcry over his approving comments last week for the work of Elizabeth Dilling, a virulent anti-Semite who actively supported Hitler and the Nazis during World War II.

BECK: But I'm also getting some amazing mail from the left that now says I'm a Nazi anti-Semite because I quoted a book on Friday -- it was the Red Book, or something like that. It was a who's who, who's in the communist party in 1935. Apparently, I don't know, apparently written by a Nazi sympathizer here in America. Part of the, I'm sure -- I don't know because I didn't look it up -- but I'm sure part of the Father Coughlin, social justice crowd, because this is the choice that progressives give you -- you're either a Nazi or a communist. No, I'm neither. But now -- so now I'm kind of stuck between the place where the left says that I'm a Nazi sympathizer and a Jew lover. So I guess the left can have it all, that I'm a Jew-loving Nazi sympathizer. It's a really interesting place that I don't know if anybody's ever been.

I don't even know where to begin with a comment like that. It's just so insane and stupid and just nonsensical. Where does this "you're either a Nazi or a Communist" crap come from? I don't even get it. People are criticizing you for promoting a Nazi sympathizer's book (and I'm guessing those complaints are not coming only from the "Left") and you come up with "either a Nazi or a communist?"

you can read the text of the book Beck was pimping here, but here are a couple of excerpts from Media Matters:

...few years, under the opportunities of the American government and the inspiration of Christianity, the American Negroes have acquired professions, property, banks, homes, and produced a rising class of refined, home loving people. This is far more remarkable than that many Negroes are still backward. The Reds play upon the Negroes' love of their own people and represent them as persecuted in order to inflame them against the very white people who have in reality given the colored race far greater opportunities than their fellow negroes would give them in Africa today. [page 36]

It is interesting to note in Communist literature that criminal violence is always promoted and excused under a cloak of supposed martyrdom. Negroes are urged to fight their white "oppressors," who actually have freed them and given them better jobs and opportunities than exist in Africa. [page 55]

Speakers for the debasing and degrading Hindu, Mohammedan, Pagan, and Agnostic Cults are placed in "fellowship" and on an equal footing with speakers for Jesus Christ. The audiences chant a mixture of prayers and ritual from all of these. The savage Mohammedan call of the muezzin as heard in darkest Asia is mingled with the propaganda of the Hindu, Jew and agnostic. Negro choirs and performers give an interracial touch to the meetings. [page 152]

This is the book Beck was promoting on his show, nad he takes umbrage at the criticisms sent his way? Where the hell does he get the balls? It will be interesting to see what FOX's reaction will be. One would think that openly supporting a Nazi apologist would be beyond the pale even for FOX, but I wouldn't bet on it.

1 comment:

  1. If it all weren't such dangerous shit, I would simply dismiss it as trite. Unfortunately his influence is increasing, and that is not good for people of reason.
