Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Joke told to me by my friends' 5-year-old daughter

Adorable 5-year-old: Why did the chicken throw butter out of the window?

Me: Um, I don't know?

Adorable 5-year-old: Because he wanted to catch a painting!

Me: Fuck, dude! You just blew my mind!

Adorable 5-year-old: It's really more of a Zen Koan than a traditional riddle.

Me: No, yeah, I get it. I totally get it. It's like surrealist humor.

Adorable 5-year-old: Yeah, I'm glad you caught that. It was kind of a hat tip to Andre' Breton.

Me: I saw it as more of an audio tribute to Marcel Duchamp.

Adorable 5-year-old: I don't know who that is. I'm only five!

Okay, some of that was embellished, but that really was the riddle she told me. And it did have a sort of quasi-Zen feel to it.


  1. Kid jokes are the best.
    Until they tell you the same one 100 times and you have to keep fake laughing at it so as not to hurt their feelings.
    My favourite is the one my 5 year old son Massimo told me a few weeks back.
    Mass~ Why did the fart cross the road?
    Me~ Why?
    Mass~ To stink up the other side!

    That was a real knee slapper!


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