Friday, August 19, 2011

Could someone please explain to me. . .

. . .The appeal of Zooey Deschanel?

Type her name into Google, look how many "Tumblrs" there are about Zooey Deschanel.

What's the deal?


  1. She's cute but beyond that I don't know. I don't think her acting is anything special, and I will confess that we have passed up quite a few opportunities to see She & Him for free. There have always been other bands playing at the same time that were more interesting.

  2. I have to ask...who is Zooey Deschanel?

  3. I kind of have a girl crush on her. Perhaps its because I envy her name.

  4. She is cute and spunky and a failure at everything she tries. Watch the trailer to her new show this fall (That Girl) and I challenge you not to love her.

  5. I accept your challenge and shall not quit until I have succeeded!

  6. uhh, she's beautiful,sexy and vastly talented.Check out Tin Man,500 Days of Summer to see her at her best.

  7. Okay, in all fairness, I haven't seen either of those movies, but the couple of things I have seen her in ( Elf, Frazier) i just don't find her appealing. Nothing against her, she's probably a perfectly fine person, I just don't see her as anything special.
    No offense.
