Sunday, September 29, 2013

We're Back!

Well, we're back a little sooner than anticipated. We've actually been back a few days now, but I've been staying off of the internet and avoiding any news for my own sanity. Mostly by binge-watching the entire first season of Orange is the New Black which is my new favorite show, holy shit is that show good.

Anyway, here's a few snapshots of the Great Smokey Mountains National Park. Since it is technically "illegal" to climb on an elk's back and ride him a round, there are no photos of us doing that.

photo 2.JPG by spudboy67
photo 2.JPG, a photo by spudboy67 on Flickr.
Young Black Bear, Great Smokey Mountains National Park

photo 4.JPG by spudboy67
photo 4.JPG, a photo by spudboy67 on Flickr.
Laurel Falls, Great Smokey Mountains National Park
photo 1.JPG by spudboy67
photo 1.JPG, a photo by spudboy67 on Flickr.

photo 3.JPG by spudboy67
photo 3.JPG, a photo by spudboy67 on Flickr.
Grazing Elk. Great Smokey Mountains National Park

photo 3.JPG by spudboy67
photo 3.JPG, a photo by spudboy67 on Flickr.

photo 4.JPG by spudboy67
photo 4.JPG, a photo by spudboy67 on Flickr.
Moss-covered rocks, Great Smokey Mountains National Park

photo 3.JPG by spudboy67
photo 3.JPG, a photo by spudboy67 on Flickr.
Meadow, Great Smokey Mountains National Park

photo 5.JPG by spudboy67
photo 5.JPG, a photo by spudboy67 on Flickr.


  1. Super photos -- looks like a wonderful vacation! I especially like those big moss-covered rocks.

    My Rare One and I have just finished watching "Orange is the New Black" too -- loved it! Now we say to each other at least once a day "I threw my pie for you!" Looking forward to Season 2 which will be released next year.

    1. Yeah, I don't know why, but moss is one of my favorite things in the world.

  2. Oh, no. He's a good boy. He wouldn't hurt anyone. Look at that little face !

  3. Gorgeous. I drove past the Great Smokies on a cross country trip years ago, your pics make me wish we would have had the time to stop a while.
