Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Charlie Crist is terrible at apologizing

Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist Apologizes for Supporting Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

And he starts out really good.

Dyer: When you first ran for governor in 2006, you said that a ban on same-sex marriage was unnecessary, but then you signed a petition to place Amendment 2 [banning same-sex marriage] on the ballot…
Crist: … and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I did that. It was a mistake. I was wrong. Please forgive me.

That's great, Gov. Just leave it there. You're sorry, you want to be forgiven, that's how you do it.

But he goes on. 

Crist: I was a Republican. . .  The examples you cited were examples of me trying to be a good Republican.

And you just blew it. You can't say "I'm so sorry I worked against your rights, but you gotta understand, it was politically expedient!" I mean, I guess you could say that if you were retiring from public life, but if you are again running for public office, you can't say "vote for me, I will betray my principles if I think it will help me win." And you certainly can't say "Sorry about hurting people, but it was more important to me to keep the knuckle-draggers of my party happy than to stand up for what I knew was right. Crist 2014!"

1 comment:

  1. Just when you think he knows what he's saying, he says something more.
