Friday, June 27, 2014

GOP Faith looks promising

So the Republican party has launched a new on-line thing to appeal to super-right-wing religious fanatics, because you know how hard it is for the GOP to attract those guys.

It is called "Gopfaith" Here are some excerpts:

This website is designed for faith voters like you. As the RNC’s Faith Engagement Director, Chad Connelly, describes is built to keep pro-faith voters up to date with how the Republican Party is fighting for religious freedom

Hysterical Laughing gif by Mamma4ever | Photobucket
Hahahaha!! "Religious freedom!"

Yes, that's right. They are fighting for religious freedom, as long as that freedom doesn't include, say building a mosque, or having a Wiccan give the invocation at your city council meeting or not having your tax dollars go to fund slut-shaming abstinence-only programs or creation museums. Basically, they will fight to the death to defend the religious freedom of the one group whose religious freedom needs no defending.

As the RNC’s Faith Engagement Director, Chad Connelly, describes is built to keep pro-faith voters up to date with how the Republican Party is fighting for religious freedom, learn how to register voters at your place of worship and mobilize them  on Election Day.

Maybe also learn how to construct a coherent English sentence? Then learn how to violate your church's tax-exempt status.

In an unprecedented show of support for the pro-life cause, Chairman Reince Priebus delayed the start of the Republican National Committee’s annual winter meeting so that he and other members could join hundreds of thousands of others and participate in the 40th annual “March for Life” on the Mall in Washington, DC.

Right. Unprecedented. Because up until last winter, Republican support for forced childbirth had been so tepid.

lucille bluth eyeroll gif | lauraelizabethm. 
Here's a little highlight of the press release celebrating this new endeavor.
“This shouldn’t be outreach, this should be who we are — it is who we are,” said Chad Connelly, director of faith engagement for the Republican National Committee and the force behind this new initiative,

Well, at least you've realized that. At least you know that this sliver of hate-fueled religious fanatics, this paranoid fringe of Rapture-awaiting, tongue-speaking, snake-handling delusionists is who you are. This and only this is who you are.
Deal With It Animated GIF
Evangelicals, Connelly said, “are our biggest, most reliable voting bloc.”

The problem, however, is that even though evangelicals identify more closely than ever with the GOP, they have not been turning out at the polls in sufficient numbers to carry Republican candidates to victory.

Honest to God, Connelly it's not that. It honestly is not a turnout problem. The turnout rate for Evangelical nuts is higher than for any other demographic. There just aren't that many of you. And you're dying off. Not quickly enough, but your base is dying off. This is only going to get worse for you. And by worse for you, I mean better for America. 
The aim of the website is, as it says, “to build an army of conservative pro-faith activists” — sympathetic believers of all faiths, [oh, please]  but in particular conservative Christians. The plan is to identify 100,000 believers who will spread the word at the grass roots, especially in churches
Central to the effort are pastors, who Connelly said have been too reticent to preach about political issues. Under federal law, houses of worship could jeopardize their tax-exempt status if they endorse individual candidates.

“Let’s overcome that myth of the IRS saying you can’t talk about this from the pulpit,” he said. “Look, if there’s no freedom of speech in the pulpit, there’s no freedom of speech.”


 Um, except it's not a myth.  They actually do say that. They have said it explicitly. You may think you can challenge this rule and win (and with this Supreme Court, I wouldn't bet against you) but that is actually the rule.

“Let’s overcome that myth of the IRS saying you can’t talk about this from the pulpit,” he said. “Look, if there’s no freedom of speech in the pulpit, there’s no freedom of speech.”

“Now is the time of righteous indignation,” he said, a time to be the “turn-the-tables-over Jesus” and not the “meek, turn-the-other-cheek Jesus.”

Wow. You do know why Jesus turned over the tables, right? Because the people at those tables were bringing the outside, secular world into a house of worship. They were doing it for profit, but I'm fairly sure that if their tables had been littered with political tracts, he would have had the same reaction. In the analogy you're making here YOU are the money-changers. You're the ones that Jesus is throwing out of the Temple. How do you not get that?
Why is it that the people who talk the most about the Bible and the Constitution never seem to understand either one?
 Die-Laughing's 1st Class 2dr JK Build - Page 2 - RCCrawler



  1. you said it, napoleon! and they keep yammering on about "judeo xtian values" - forget it if you're agnostic, or if you believe in the separation of church and state.

    so tell me how this differs from islam's "sharia law" where the belief and the state are one and the same. THIS is what these freaks want for this country, only from a xtian perspective.

    fucking scary.

    I'd LOVE to see the IRS tighten the screws on these tax-exemptions for many churches.

  2. For a group that loves to complain about the "culture of victimhood," the GOP sure loves to cultivate it when it serves their interests.
