Sunday, February 16, 2020

If you are considering voting for Micheal Bloomberg

If you have given any thought at all to possibly supporting Micheal Bloomberg, please - PLEASE- take a moment to read some of the stories of Bloomberg's New York under the hashtag #MyBloombergStory 

If you don't want to go to Twitter, I can post a few examples here:

There are hundreds of these stories. Bloomberg, who by the way is a REPUBLICAN, ran New York like a little fascist dictatorship. We can not allow this monster anywhere near the Presidency.

I'll let someone more articulate than myself, Trevor Noah have the last word.


  1. Exactly what Trevor said.

    And, no, I won't vote Bloomberg ....unless

  2. Bloomberg is not running against Trump, he is running against Bernie because the DNC is scared spitless of him
