Limbaugh said, “Obama is out there saying that Fox News is talk radio. I am living rent free in this guy’s head. Fox News is talk radio. If that’s true, MSNBC is pornography, and Obama likes MSNBC. CNN is child porn, my God folks…”
If MSNBC is porn, that's got to be the worst porn ever. Look at this cast:




OH, Ye GAWDS!!!!!
As for calling CNN "child porn?" I don't even get it. I think Rush has just gone completely 'round the bend.
I remember when I first stumbled on to Rush Limbaugh on the radio back in 1988 or 89. He was an ass even then, but he was kinda funny. He was entertaining in his way, and he made sense. I disagreed with him on pretty much everything, but at least I could understand what point he was making. Now he's like a mental patient. What the hell is he even saying about MSNBC and CNN? What in the world would you find pornographic about either network?
I think he's just given up any pretense of trying to make sense and now just shouts vile accusations at whomever it is he doesn't like. I expect that in his personal life, he must be constantly making these sorts of claims
"My ex-wife is a reptilian Satan-worshipper!"
"That rude waiter was a Nazi collaborator!"
"The guy who cut me off in traffic is a puppy-raping child murderer!"
"My other ex-wife is a baby-fisting lycanthrope!"
And so on.
Rush, it's over. You need help. Please, check yourself into a psycho ward before you hurt yourself or someone else.