And sure, occasionally a soldier gets electrocuted, or served tainted meat, but Halliburton's gotta make a profit somehow, right?
But for the best example, one need look no further than

What the Fuck? That can't be right!

What the hell is going on here?
Photos of embassy guards holding sex parties in Kabul have caused a stir in Washington. Some of the men involved claim they were forced to participate by their supervisors at the ArmorGroup security firm.

Private security contractors who guard the US Embassy in Kabul have engaged in lewd behavior and humiliated subordinates, according to a report released this week. Photographs and video footage show scantily dressed guards engaging in drinking and demeaning sex games.

The images come from Camp Sullivan, the quarters of the security personnel for the US Embassy in Kabul, only a few kilometers from the embassy complex in the Afghan capital. They show naked men, employees of the security firm, whose genitals are only barely covered with a kind of black beer mat. The men are drinking, dancing naked around a fire, licking each others nipples and grabbing each others testicles. They perform sex acts, pour vodka down each others' naked backs and drink it from the buttocks.
So, wait. Are you saying maybe it's not the best idea to send over a bunch of cowboy mercenaries into a war zone where they will be seen as representing the United States of America at a time when we're trying to win over the hearts and minds of the local populace?
What are you, a commie?