So South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley
has named a successor to teabagging nutbag Jim DeMint.
And it is not Stephen Colbert.
It's Congressman Tim Scott of SC's first district.

Take two.
It's Tim Scott!
Okay then.
So I don't know anything about this Tim Scott, and I'm guessing many of you are in the same boat. So let's see what we can learn about him. Let's start with his website.

In a way it's sorta admirable that he hasn't scrubbed his website of this:
in the wake of recent tragedies. Well, not admirable, but at least he's consistently a gun-humping asshole.The Constitution grants all law-abiding Americans the right to bear arms, regardless of what some would lead you to believe. Our Second Amendment right is a fundamental freedom and a cornerstone of our democracy.
Although, it's odd that if you click on the "2nd Amendment Rights" link (which is first on the list of issues)the one article that comes up is this:
2nd Amendment Rights
This Week in Washington
Apr 17, 2012 BlogThis week the House will take up the Small Business Tax Cut Act (HR 9), introduced by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA). This bill will extend a 20 percent tax cut to American small businesses, which breaks down to more than 77,000 South Carolina...
Even if you click on this:
All you get is the same article, also ending at the elipses, so we'll never know what's to become of 77,000 South Carolina something or others.
Congressman Tim Scott has "American Values." What are they? Let's let him explain:
American Values
Our nation was founded by those who believed in faith and freedom. Too often, Americans who are proud of their faith and the values it instills find themselves under attack. Government should be protecting our right to religious freedom, not assaulting it.
He bravely stands up to non-existent threats to religious freedom. That's impressive.
I cosponsored two pro-life bills which have now passed the House of Representatives, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act and the Protect Life Act.
Boldly proposing legislation that does the same thing as the Hyde Amendment! Which is still in place, so this bill accomplishes nothing.
I also supported legislation, the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, to repeal part of the national health care reform law that violates the freedom of religion granted to us by the First Amendment.
Repealing the part that doesn't exist! Brilliant!
Government is already overreaching into our homes and businesses
I also support traditional marriage, and spoke out against the President’s decision to no longer allow the Department of Justice to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. I absolutely believe in keeping the institution of marriage as one solely between a man and woman.
Government is already overreaching into our homes! We must get them to overreach into those people's homes instead!
I regard all life as sacred, and am proud of our values and traditions. For this reason I will remain steadfast in my commitment to protect the unborn and continue to take a stand in defending traditional and religious values.
He regards all life as sacred. Hmm, I wonder if that might end up seeming ironic at all. . .
Oh.Tim Scott also supported the GOP-dominated state legislature's proposal to slash the state's entire HIV/AIDS budget, including funding to the critical AIDS Drug Assistance Program. South Carolina has the 8th highest HIV rate in the nation.
What else?
Voted NO on removing US armed forces from Afghanistan.
Of course he did. What better way to show your belief in the sanctity of all human life than to support the continuation of senseless death and carnage.
Maybe by co-sponsoring pro-gun accumulation legislation?
Official Summary
1/24/2012--Introduced.Prohibits the use of federal funds to require a person licensed to deal in firearms to report information to the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding the sale of multiple rifles or shotguns to the same person.
- Rep. Tim Scott [R, SC-1]
Added February 03, 2012
Oh, dear.
So, meet the new nut. Same as the old nut.