Someone is selling this weird little tchotchke on the net:

Which is weird enough to begin with, but check out the kid on the right. He's tackling Jesus!
Fuck you, you little bastard, you don't tackle Jesus!
Also, someone painted this:

Hey, asshole. Jesus is calling for a lateral! When Jesus calls for a lateral, you goddamm well lateral that ball to Jesus! Don't be a fucking ball hog!
Apparently, Jesus is big into sports. Who knew?

Ha ha! I'm so much taller than you!
Dammit, Jesus, this is no fun!
He plays a lot of basketball:
Bitch, you can't guard me. You got nothin'!
And hockey:

Verily, I say unto thee: Helmets are for pussies!
His hands-on approach to baseball coaching gets a little creepy:

And the less said about this, the better:

Yeah, I don't think that's really Jesus. Have you seen any ID?
He's the one that made Romo fumble that snap in 2007:

Ha ha, I had the Seahawks and the points!
He coaches karate!
Wait, he coaches karate?
Turn the other cheek method! If done right, can not defeat!
He even makes up his own sports!

Okay, Jimmy, you take the snap from center, pass it to Jenny who whacks it with a bat, then Suzie scores a three-pointer. It can't miss!

I said I like sports. I didn't say I understood them!

Wait a minute. He's fighting a girl. That boy is fighting a girl? How can Jesus sanction this bout?