When I first found out about Victoria Jackson's political ravings, I thought for sure it was some sort of extended joke.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Victoria Jackson is funnier than I remembered.
But the joke is still going on. So maybe she's serious?
After the election, I found out she has a Twitter. I signed up to follow her, thinking it would be funny. Which it kinda is, but mostly just sad.
Because she tweets things like this:
Victoria Jackson @vicjackshow
White people (statistically) don't have more children than they can take care of without outside assistance. It's called RESPONSIBILITY.
I do give her credit for not prefacing this with the obligatory "I'm not a racist, but. . ." If you're going to be a racist douche, at least own it!
Victoria Jackson @vicjackshow
Better to SECEDE than have a civil war.
Um, secession and civil war are kinda like love and marriage.
You can't have one without the oooooo-therrrr!!!
Ooh, here's a good one:
Repeal Obamacare. It is killing jobs in this country. Thousands have already lost their jobs because of it. I signed http://wh.gov/9L2g
Yeah, the policies which have yet to take effect are totally killing jobs! Unless you believe like, numbers and stuff.
Very clear chart showing why Socialism/Communism is EVIL pic.twitter.com/Wi0cnjXJ
I haven't even looked at the chart yet. I just love the idea of evil being something that can be quantified and expressed in chart form!
And of course, she's huge on secession!
Victoria Jackson @vicjackshow
Peacefully grant the State of Minnesota to withdraw from the United States of America & create its own NEW government. http://wh.gov/9pAZ
You do know Minnesota's a "blue state," right?
Why would they even want to secede, when the guy they voted for won?
And of course, being a teabagger douchenozzle, she is, shall we say, a fair-weather patriot?Peacefully grant the State of Tennessee to withdraw from the United States of America & create its own NEW government. http://wh.gov/9mxP
Victoria Jackson @vicjackshow
I VOTE FOR SECESSION http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/12/secession-petition-white-house_n_2116620.html?ncid=webmail1 …
Victoria Jackson @vicjackshow
Victoria Jackson @vicjackshow
I'm proud to be a Red-State American, but I'm not proud to be an "American." I'm ashamed of 50% of my people.
And which "Red-State" does Ms Jackson call home?
Why, Florida, what an unusual shade of red you're wearing for the last few elections!
Today, she tweeted a link to an article she wrote for her asinine website:
Victoria Jackson @vicjackshow
The website that makes the totally-not-silly claim that environmentalism is a tool of the Anti-Christ/UN/One World Government cabal to destroy all that is good or something. That is the source of this particular "Fact!"I Have No Money by Victoria Jackson http://victoriajacksonshow.com/5472/i-have-no-money …
Anyways, it goes on and on, and I'm just too tired to keep reading, but you get the idea. I really really can't believe that there is any way Victoria Jackson is serious about any of this. I would never have guessed that she was this good a comedian, but I can't believe that she could possibly be this crazy and stupid and still function.