Enumclaw.com 2012 Most Trustworthy News Sources
World Net Daily
What are the criteria for such an award? Glad you asked. But bear in mind that for this organization, every word they use seems to mean the opposite of what it means in English:
- Reliability: Consistent, regularly updated delivery of news.
2. Accuracy: Well-rounded stories which focus upon facts rather than gossip or hearsay.
3. Quality: Favors informative, well-written pieces over sheer quantity.
4. Balance: Stories are selected and reported aside from bias or agenda.
5. Reach: Strong authority and readership across the web.
So, yeah, obviously Wing Nut Daily meets all of these criteria!

With a continual commitment to the truth and top-notch journalistic practices, World Net Daily has time and again exposed corruption in the media and politics while maintaining good journalistic practices.
WND clearly differentiates when they’re reporting news and providing commentary or opinion.
Holy cow!
Yeah, sure, WND is totally a reliable news source. Sure, why not?
Other nominees included:
The 12 Galaxies Guy.
Extreme Elvis

This Brick.
This Brick.
Mel Gibson
And FOX & Friends.