Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cain's Campaign Just a Giant Grift?


Herman Cain Spends $100K In Campaign Cash On Herman Cain Inc.

A review of Cain’s last two FEC reports shows the campaign transferring just over $100,000 in cash to Herman Cain T.H.E. New Voice, a company that promotes Cain’s books and political philosophy.

So, is Herman Cain's presidential run just a Palin-style long con? Probably. But somehow he has accidentally found himself in first place. It's basically The Producers but with pizza.

Pat Robertson is the biggest bag of scum

Why anyone would ask Pat Robertson for financial advice is beyond me, but this lady gets pretty much the exact answer you might expect.
Pretty much you can't expect God to help you if you're not paying him off.
What a dick.