Remember how we all thought that Dick Cheney was really really evil?
Well, it turns out he was so much worse than we thought.

(Actual John Yoo Quote)
Shockingly, the person who stopped Cheney from violating the law was none other than..
drum roll, please....
George W. Bush! Wait, that can't be right. Hold on.
Ok, I'm being told that that is correct, George W. Bush stopped Cheney from sending US troops into a US city. So, you're welcome, America!
So who were these dangerous criminals who were so formidable, so menacing, that only the military could possibly hope to subdue them?

No, it was these guys:

So why the military? Are you telling me the FBI or the ATF or local police couldn't have collared these punks?
Honestly, I think the Reno Sheriff's Department could have handled them.

(FBI handled the arrests just fine, as it turns out)
I have to think that Cheney wanted to send troops into an American city just to prove he could. Or to see whether he could get away with it. Cheney really seemed to think that he was above the law, and this was his chance to prove it. It's really scary to think how close we came to having this happen. Because he would have gotten away with it. Democrats in Congress would have fulminated a bit, then gone right along with Republicans in changing the law to make Cheney's actions retroactively legal. (like they did with warrantless wiretapping)
That's why someone, the Justice Department, Congress, someone needs to investigate and prosecute these bastards for the crimes they actually did commit. Because next time, whoever the next W is, he may say yes.
Pretty incredible isn't it that Georgie stopped him. You are absolutely spot on...it will happen again because the mentality that thought of it is alive and well. There are many Dick Cheneys in this country...waiting to tell the rest of how it's going to be.
My first visit over here and I didn't even have to finish reading the latest post to click on follow. I WILL be back (oh, yes I did finish after clicking).
Wow, thanks! I'm blushing!
Not necessary...good stuff!
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