The Church of Scientology put an ad on my blog? If you see an ad that begins "You are not something or other" don't click on it! It's a trap!
For the record, Scientology is a ridiculous scam based on space aliens, mind control, and fear of psychiatry. It is stupid. Scientologists are stupid. Scientology exists to seperate stupid people from their money. Tom Cruise is a lousy actor. So sue me.
Really? They will? Oh, shit. Just kidding, L. Ron!
Scientology is a ridiculous scam.
Very true, but at the end of the day it's no more a scam than any other religious institution that claims to "know" anything and requests funding to help their cause. Sick.
I am always amazed by the weak-minded, those susceptible to these fake religions (and organized religions). I am not curious at all about someone who one day wakes up and espouses aliens - and a NEW religion. Thanks for the warning - I wouldn't have been that curious either.
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