1) In case anyone has not seen this yet:
It would be a shame if anyone missed this bit of adorableness.
(stolen from Cute Overload)
2) I love this little girl. I don't know where she comes from, or what her story is, but I hope she keeps running forever and never gets caught.

Hello im new here. I came upon this site I have found It absolutely useful and its helped me a lot. I hope to contribute and guide others like it has helped me.
Thank You, See You Later
Good Day i'm new on here. I hit upon this chat board I have found It absolutely accessible and its helped me tons. I hope to give something back & guide other people like it has helped me.
Thanks Everyone, See You Later.
Hi im fresh to this, I came upon this website I find It truly helpful and it has helped me alot. I should be able to give something back and assist others like it has helped me.
Thank You, Catch You Later.
What's Happening i am new here. I came accross this message board I find It truly useful and it's helped me out tons. I hope to give something back & assist others like its helped me.
Cheers, See Ya Later
Greetings i am new to this. I stumbled upon this forum I have found It extremely useful & it's helped me out loads. I should be able to give something back & aid other users like it has helped me.
Thank You, Catch You Around
Good Day i'm new on here, I stumbled upon this chat board I have found It amply useful & its helped me out a lot. I should be able to give something back & aid others like its helped me.
Thanks, Catch You About.
Hiya im new to this. I stumbled upon this message board I find It extremely accommodating and it has helped me out alot. I should be able to contribute and help other people like it has helped me.
Thank You, See You Later.
Hi-ya i'm new here, I came upon this site I have found It extremely accommodating and it's helped me loads. I should be able to contribute and support others like it has helped me.
Thank You, Catch You Later
What's Happening i'm fresh on here, I stumbled upon this site I find It positively accessible & it's helped me out alot. I hope to contribute & help others like it has helped me.
Thanks, Catch You Around
What's Happening i'm new to this, I stumbled upon this site I find It incredibly accommodating & its helped me out so much. I should be able to give something back and aid other users like it has helped me.
Thank You, See Ya Later
Howdy i'm new to this. I came upon this message board I find It absolutely accessible and it's helped me out tons. I hope to contribute & support others like it has helped me.
Thanks Everyone, See Ya Around.
Hi i am fresh on here. I hit upon this site I find It extremely useful & it's helped me out loads. I hope to give something back & aid other users like its helped me.
Thanks a load, See You Around.
Whats's Up im fresh on here, I came accross this board I find It exceedingly useful & it has helped me tons. I hope to give something back & aid other people like its helped me.
Cheers, See You Around.
Sup i am fresh to this. I hit upon this chat board I have found It amply accessible and it's helped me out tons. I should be able to contribute & help other people like its helped me.
Cheers all, Catch You About.
Hello i am new to this, I stumbled upon this board I find It very accommodating and its helped me alot. I should be able to give something back and guide other people like it has helped me.
Thanks Everyone, Catch You Around.
Hello im new here. I stumbled upon this forum I find It amply accommodating and it's helped me out alot. I hope to contribute & guide other people like its helped me.
Cheers all, See Ya Around.
Hiya im fresh to this, I came accross this website I find It quite helpful & its helped me out alot. I should be able to give something back and help others like its helped me.
Thank You, See Ya Around
Greetings im new to this, I hit upon this website I have found It absolutely accommodating and it's helped me out tons. I hope to give something back and guide other people like it has helped me.
Thanks, See Ya Later
Heya i am fresh on here. I came accross this site I find It truly accommodating & its helped me out a lot. I hope to give something back & help others like its helped me.
Thank You, See You Later
Whats's Up i am new to this. I hit upon this board I have found It exceedingly accommodating & it's helped me out tons. I hope to give something back & support others like its helped me.
Thanks, Catch You Around
As playing roulette will show you (because inherently it doesn't allow the possibility of a Selection System to operate, since any given number or colour can come up at any time), very few Staking Plans on their own will consistently allow you to increase the amount you started with (meaning that you are simply in the hands of Lady Luck on the night).
football betting [url=http://www.pulsebet.com][img]http://www.betus.com/images/newsite1024/images/logos/logo.png[/img]uk football betting[/url]
Here's one of those football betting tips that will rock you with a big payout. Try the pleasers’ bet. This is tough to beat, but you rake in the money. This is similar to a parlay, but you bet on more than two teams and all these teams should win to cover your bet. This gets you the most bang. [url=http://www.pulsebet.com]football betting[/url] Myth #4: Bettors have the edge early in the season because oddsmakers and bookmakers need more time to assess the teams.
Reality: More hours are spent analyzing the opening week of the NFL season than any other is. A detailed, in-depth assessment of NFL teams begins more than a month before the opening kickoff. While it's true that teams often do not tip their hand during the preseason or against weak, non-divisional foes, players are in no better position to uncover this deception than are bookmakers. Historically, the first six weeks of the season have been very kind to bookmakers. That's probably not just luck.
Football betting tips are easy enough to find. If you regularly a football league, you must already have an idea about the season’s odds, such as which team is doing well or performing poorly, which players are promising enough and have the potential to lead their team to victory, etc.
It is my first post here, so I would like to say hallo to all of you! It is really amusement to join your community!
So..... where is toilet? Hehe))) Joke, relax ;)
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