You know, what the president has done is he has urged the Joint Chiefs to make a change at a time of war, undermining, potentially, our nation's security and the effectiveness of our military, and quite possibly opening the door to the draft once again, because we've seen that there are men and women who do serve in the military who have expressed reservations about staying in the military if this change comes about.(source)
Yep, we need to keep them queers outta the military or else there's a-gonna be a draft!
And according to character assassin and falsehood buff Saxby Chambliss,
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) expressed his concern that repealing the rule would pave the way for allowing "alcohol use, adultery, fraternization, and body art" in the military
Because currently, you know, all members of the military are teetotalers, and none of our troops has tattoos or other-than-marital-sex. I mean, I assume. I've never been in the military, but I figure Gomer Pyle, USMC probably had it about right.
Although, come to think of it, I do remember seeing something in the paper about soldiers drinking. . . . .

hmm, well now I don't know what to think. . .
Anyway, I guess I owe the righties an apology. All this time I thought you were against gay people serving in the military because you think gayness is icky and maybe contagious, and you have the maturity of ten-year olds, but now I see you have perfectly legitimate reasons for your fear of military gaiety.
Those tattoos will destroy unit cohesion. giggle
Saxby couldn't have come up with a sillier list of excuses if he tried.
yeah, we're all real proud of our senators down here in GA. At least here in Atlanta, we get John Lewis to be our congressman.
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