Mr. West is running for Congress from Florida's 22nd District.
West was a Lt Colonel in the US Army, which is pretty impressive. What's less impressive is this:
(From the Boston Globe)
US officer to resign for assaulting Iraqi
A disciplinary proceeding found that the actions by Lieutenant Colonel Allen West were serious enough to "merit a court-martial." But the military said in a statement that mitigating circumstances -- specifically, the "stressful environment" of combat -- and West's distinguished service record prompted the Army to instead relieve West of his command, fine him $5,000, and order him back to the United States, where he will be allowed to retire.
Yeah. He was kicked out of the Army. The only reason he wasn't court-martialed was that the Army figured he had just snapped under the stress of combat.
"Frustration and anger overcame his professional ethics and personal values, and he performed what he knew to be illegal and immoral acts," said the statement issued by the Army's Fourth Infantry Division.
So, hopefully being a member of Congress won't be too stressful, or he might just kick someone's ass right there in the chamber.
Just kidding! No, Allen doesn't need to get violent anymore. He has goons for that now.
Video: Allen West's Biker Supporters Threaten and Harass Dem Staffer
Apparently, West has some sort of ties to the Outlaws Motorcycle gang.
Last night, NBC News reported that Allen West has ties to an infamous motorcycle gang, the Outlaws, and was “proud” to have been guarded by the Outlaws. The Department of Justice has said the Outlaws are a gang known for making and distributing meth, committing homicide, and prostitution. The Outlaws have been called “organized crime” syndicate. The Outlaws have a history of denigrating women and considering women property –actually branding women like cattle. [Justice Department, National Gang Threat Assessment 2009, Published January 2009]
The WOTG website is here if you're interested.
Anyway, if that weren't enough reason to vote for whoever is running against West, there's this:

EEEEEEWWWWW!!!!!!! Pam Geller!
1 comment:
Sounds like a typical Republican candidate this year. Crazy is the new normal in Gopperville.
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