GOP frosh: Where's my health care?
By GLENN THRUSH | 11/15/10 9:54 PM EST Updated: 11/16/10 7:59 PM EST
A conservative Maryland physician elected to Congress on an anti-Obamacare platform surprised fellow freshmen at a Monday orientation session by demanding to know why his government-subsidized health care plan takes a month to kick in.
Really? Aren't you the guy whose website says this:
the answer to the ever-rising cost of insurance is not the expansion of government-run or government-mandated insurance but, instead, common-sense market based solutions
And isn't this you also?
Harris signed the Contract From America
Defund, repeal, & replace federal care with free market. The Contract from America, clause 7. Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-run Health Care:Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enablingSource: The Contract From America 10-CFA07 on Jul 8, 2010 Harris signed Club for Growth's "Repeal-It!" Pledge
Repeal any federal health care takeover.

Republican Andy Harris, an anesthesiologist who defeated freshman Democrat Frank Kratovil on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, reacted incredulously when informed that federal law mandated that his government-subsidized health care policy would take effect on Feb. 1 – 28 days after his Jan. 3rd swearing-in.
“He stood up and asked the two ladies who were answering questions why it had to take so long, what he would do without 28 days of health care,” said a congressional staffer who saw the exchange.
What indeed? Whatever will you do for health insurance for those 28 days? I would think you would be grateful that at least for those 28 days, you would be free from the oppressive tyranny of government-run socialist death-panel healthcare.
How awful it must be for you! I can't think of anyone else who has ever faced such a daunting. . . oh, wait. I can think of about 51 million people who could empathize.
Number of uninsured Americans rises to 50.7 million
By Richard Wolf, USA TODAY
But don't worry, if you work hard at it, you can have that damn government healthcare bill repealed by the time your government healthcare kicks in.
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