Thursday, January 13, 2011

You Stay Classy, Boehner!

No matter what tragedy may occur, you can NEVER postpone a fundraiser!

From Roll Call:

Boehner to Host RNC Party During Tucson Memorial

Speaker John Boehner will host a cocktail party for the Republican National Committee at the same time that President Barack Obama will be addressing the nation at the memorial service for victims of the Tucson shooting.
Boehner turned down a Tuesday invitation from Obama to fly to Tucson with him, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other lawmakers for the Wednesday night memorial service.

Another Boehner aide emphasized that the RNC reception was scheduled before the memorial event was set.

Oh, well. That's different. There's nothing you can do if your event was already scheduled. Except. . .

Separately, Armed Services Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday that he canceled a meet-and-greet event Tuesday night for new members on the committee and the defense community because it would not be appropriate in light of the tragedy. Giffords is a member of the committee.
 John Boehner, class act.

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