Well, you could learn to write a coherent sentence, I guess. See, there's this thing called pronoun-antecedent agreement. When you use a word like "it" that word has to refer back to something. I'll give you an example: Stand Up America wrote a press release and it is totally retarded. See, the word "it" refers back to the aforementioned press release. If I were referring back to Stand Up America, I would have to say "Stand Up America issued a press release, and they are totally retarded.SUA National Call to Action Event
Brief Description – Sarah Palin called the Obama Administration’s actions as the “Road to Ruin”! Like most of the USA now, we at Stand Up America think it is a great way to express yourself and learn what is really happening to our country, so what can we do?
In your sentence, the "it" doesn't seem to refer back to anything. ". . .it is a great way to express yourself. . ." doesn't make sense. Are you saying that calling the administration's actions the "Road to Ruin" is a great way to express yourself? I could maybe buy that if the sentence didn't continue "express yourself and learn what is really happening. . ." Calling the administration's actions the "Road to Ruin" is not a way to learn anything.
I'm sorry, my mother was an English teacher.
so what can we do? Well, it seems the normal methods do not work because of entrenched political machinery, moneyed interests, power seeking for power’s sake, and a media that is just plan in the tank. In the past, petitions were signed, marches on Washington and elsewhere were held, Tea Parties were created, letters were written, calls were made, new representatives were elected, yet, the road to ruin is still there. . .
So how do we make our voices known? How do we finally succeed? How do we send a clear message that cannot be twisted by the media, misinterpreted by politicians, or co-opted by Obama apologists? Well, we have come up with one interesting new way. Are you game?
Am I!
It won’t cost you any money short of a gallon of gas. It won’t take much of your time, only about an hour. It won’t mean travel to distant cities. It won’t mean crowds to wade through, and it won’t interfere with your life too much.
What it will be is FUN, and a great way to vent your frustration, without being labeled, or maligned!
Fun? Why, I love fun! Especially in all caps!
Here is what is planned:
• Sunday, March 13th, 2011 – 4 PM Eastern, 3 PM Central, 2 PM Mountain, and 1 PM Pacific time;
• We want everyone to get into their cars, trucks, motorcycles, RVs, Semis, box trucks, and any other vehicle, and drive to your nearest highway or main route;
• Don’t go far, just enough to get in a safe position to pull over to the shoulder, and park, engine running, headlights and flashers on;
All right! Wait, what? How is that fun?
• Hook up a boat trailer, a snow mobile hauler, or anything to make the line look miles and miles long, bring your tractor-trailer;Well, I do enjoy being deceptive.
• Get your car club involved to show off those great hot rods and collectibles;
• Imagine others driving by wondering “what the heck”? Wave to everyone;
Sitting in an idling car AND waving? Do I dare? Won't people wonder "what the heck?" (with the question mark inside the quotation marks)
• Get ten friends to do the same; or go to an over pass and hang temporary signs saying – “Time to stop!” Just imagine the imagery! But be SAFE!
Oh, the imagery! I'm imagining it right now! Mmmmmmmmmmmm. . .
• Once pulled over to the side, place calls or texts to your friends, take pictures, send tweets, flood Facebook with messages and photos, along with several million others on other highways across the land.

Ahahahahaha!!! Several million! Ahahahahahaha!!!
• Stay one hour if you can, get your friends to do the same, line up all your vehicles in a safe manner as far off the side as you can, and hit your horns.
• One hour gives the media a chance to react, a chance to get footage. Imagine the traffic reports!
Yes, I imagine they would go something like this:
"Tom, traffic seems to be slowing on I-85 as drivers are wondering why these three morons keep hitting their horns for no reason, and why they are all pulled over on the shoulder. Probably drunk. Back to you, Tom."
• Hang a sign inside your back window, or use temporary soap to write a message safely on the window;
• Be a part of millions of people saying: “Stop the madness, we are pulling over and just stopping!”
Imagine the image, when every news outlet in the USA must take notice.
Yes, there's no way the media could possibly ignore several cars pulling off to the side of the road. That's certainly something you don't see every day!
Helicopters recording the event, YouTube filling with videos from every spot in America, with one message: “Just Stop”! Imagine seeing 300 cars pulled over for miles in California, in Texas, in New Jersey…etc.
Do the math. If a car is 17 feet long, and 10 feet is maintained between each vehicle, it takes only 195 cars to stretch one mile. Imagine 500 tractor trailers pulling over for one hour! That’s over seven miles!
Now imagine 500 blue whales swimming in a row, that's over 50,000 feet of whales!
Or what if everyone rode an elephant and pulled the elephant over on the side of the road? They sure couldn't ignore that!
Who the hell came up with this hot mess of an idea?
If you want people to follow your lead, using the royal "we" is good start!Project Director
F. Lynn Vogel
Born and raised in central Iowa we now reside in the beautiful timbered countryside of the western region of the state.
So are you sure that this sort of thing is legal?
Stand Up America does not condone breaking any laws, period! If its illegal, DO NOT DO IT!
We have stated from the start, that if it is illegal do not do it, if you are uncomfortable with it, don’t do it, but it is not illegal to pull off to the shoulder of a highway to attend to any emergency you may have, or for any reason you feel you cannot continue to operate safely in a travel lane!
[emphasis in original]
So it sounds like, since there is no emergency, this action would in fact be illegal.
Ostensibly, you are not supposed to pull to the shoulder of a super highway for anything other than an emergency, a breakdown, or any other issue that prevents safe operation in the travel lanes. However, after consulting California Highway Patrol officers, they did say, if ordered to move along, you must obey or face arrest, but they are not going to arrest you for pulling over alone!And everyone knows, if you don't get arrested, it's not illegal!
Its called ‘civil disobedience’ only after you fail to comply with a legal order from a police officer. Prior to that, it is just you pulling over for a reason you deem necessary.It's only illegal if a cop sees you do it?
[emphasis in original]
Hmm, you know I'm starting to think this "Stand Up America" might be a bunch of kooks!
Could this be a good opportunity for those unemployed window washers that normally gather at busy intersections. All of those cars. Just sitting there with dirty windows.
The people who actually do this will feel really lonely.
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