"My penis is the same size as my IQ!
Santorum warns Colorado Republicans about addictive entitlements, socialism
Of course, that sort of thing doesn't even register as crazy these days.
Potential presidential candidate Rick Santorum — who lost his Pennsylvania Senate seat in 2006 but has been raising his profile as a devout conservative in the last year — warned a crowd of about 100 Republicans that the country they grew up in could vanish if Democrats keep the White House in the next election.
The America in which medical problems lead straight to bankruptcy? That might disappear? I wish! I wouldn't worry too much about that, though.
Santorum related the story of his grandfather, who immigrated from Italy because he yearned for the freedom America promised. But Democrats, he said, are attempting to engineer “a fundamental shift,” and could turn the country into a European-style socialist state in the next few years if they aren’t checked.Have you ever been to Europe? It's really not a scary place at all. People are happy there. You really have to be an incredibly xenophobic ignoramus for "European-style" to be a threat. Also, have you met these Democrats? These putzes aren't changing anything.

“If we do not win this election and ‘Obamacare’ goes into effect, America as you know it, as you were given it by your parents and grandparents — America will be gone forever,” he said. “That’s what I believe is at stake. America as you know it will be gone.”
So how exactly does healthcare reform threaten the American way of life?
The reason Obama’s health care plan threatens the American way of life, Santorum said, is that “once the government has control over your life, over your health, it’s almost impossible to get it back, almost impossible to get freedom back.”
It’s part of the Democrats’ plan, he said. Fox News commentator Juan Williams boiled it down for him, Santorum said.
Oh, Juan Williams? Juan Williams boiled it down for you, did he? What, was Megyn Kelly too busy?

The answer, Santorum said Williams told him, is that Democratic leaders knew that Americans love entitlements, and that by turning health care into an entitlement the die would be cast. “Once we get them hooked on this entitlement, they will never let it go,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi believed, according to Williams.
Which is why the Democrats specifically did not do that? That's why single-payer was never on the table? They wanted people hooked on an entitlement so they didn't make it an entitlement? Did Santorum hire Lewis Carroll to be his speechwriter?

hmmph! My tea party made way more sense!
“Think about how they view you,” he told the crowd of Republicans. “They view you no different than the drug dealer views the little kid in the school yard. They want to get you hooked, they want to get you dependent. They want to get you relying upon them for your wellbeing. And once they’ve satisfied you, giving them that drug, that narcotic, then you’ll be reliant on them and, by the way, you’ll also be less than what God created you to be.”
Um, less than what God created you to be? What does that even mean? What exactly was I created to be? And how would heath care make me less than that? It makes no freaking sense? But wait, there's more!
Santorum talked about statistical proof of American exceptionalism — arguing that life expectancy didn’t increase for thousands of years until America was founded, and then it doubled in 200 years.
Wow, really? Here's another statistic you might find interesting. In 1966, the average life expectancy for American males was 66.7 years. In 1967, I was born. Since then, life expectancy has increased to 75.7 years. By Santorum's reasoning, I can take credit for that.
Of course, the increase in life expectancy over the last 200 years might have more to do with Englishman Edward Jenner inventing immunization Or Frenchman Louis Pasteur developing the germ theory of disease. Or the German Emil Von Behring's discovery of antitoxins. But yeah, probably it's just because of America being founded. Idiot!

I weep at the thought of living in a country of which my daddy is president!
If you're baffled, you're not alone. I've never understood Santorum's line of thought myself.
I'm a Pennsylvanian. Santorum is nuts. I thought I did my part already to get him to go the hell away. I do feel he is certifiably insane.
BTW, In 1967 I learned to sleep through the night without wetting the bed. THAT is why life expectancy increased.
Good for you! I'm still working on that one.
On August 19, 1967 I came into the world and that is why life expectancy has doubled. You can all stop bowing. This guy is a freaking nutjob. Comparing health care which can extend and save lives to drug dealers who shorted and take lives? The man needs to go to a looney bin.
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