Even if it weren't for the whole using the state's helicopter as a commuter car thing,
Even if it weren't for turning down federal money for much-neede transit projects which would have created jobs,
Even if he wasn't notorious for being a loudmouthed bully,
We haven't elected a fat guy president since at least the advent of television. Who was the last fat president? Taft? I know people called Clinton fat, but by any normal standard, he was not a fat guy. Christie looks like the bastard child of Jeff Garlin and George Wendt.

Chris Christie couldn't even carry New Jersey!
May 20, 2011 04:45 PMNJ voters by a 2-1 margin say Gov. Chris Christie should not run for President in 2012
New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie, beloved by some and despised by others for his bluntness, has a Minus 18 job approval today as speculation continues about whether Christie should run for President. 38% of NJ adults approve of the job Christie is doing, 56% disapprove.
This is the guy? This is the guy Republican operatives think can win the White House?

Gov. Christie, shown here auditioning for Guys and Dolls
Barack Obama is one lucky SOB if this is the best the opposition party can come up with.
1 comment:
It's gotta be a smokescreen, right? Right?
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