(via ASB)
I can not believe that anyone would need to be told this, but this is NOT ACCEPTABLE. There is nothing cute or funny or clever about domestic violence. A lot of your mothers and grandmothers and aunts have fought long and hard to make domestic battery socially unacceptable, and you're seriously going to put out shit like this?
I really really hope that none of you ever find yourselves in the situation that Rhianna found herself, but you should be able to tell without personal experience that this is nothing to joke about.
This is what domestic violence looks like:

Not cute, not funny, not sexy, not acceptable. Not ever.
Have any of these women been beaten? Probably some. I do know that there are women that not only tolerate violent relationships, but also seek them out. How far back on the evolutionary time line are they?!? I do hope they are unable to reproduce.
Is it terrible for me to hope that they get exactly what they wish for?
Yeah, kinda.
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