'Gays don't have a purpose' says special-ed teacher
Speaking in favor of an anti-gay prom in Indiana, a special education teacher adds fuel to the fire with homophobic comments
She actually made those comments on Feb. 12th and as far as I can tell, she has yet to face any disciplinary action.
'Homosexual students come to me with their problems, and I don't agree with them, but I care about them,' Medley continued. 'It's the same thing with my special needs kids; I think God puts everyone in our lives for a reason.'
Because obviously being gay is a handicap, just like a learning disability. It's a kind of sexual dyslexia!
When asked whether she believes gay and lesbian people have a 'purpose', [And what kind of an asshole even asks that question?] Medley said: 'No, I honestly don't. Sorry, but I don't ... A gay person isn't going to come up and make some change unless it's to realize that it was a choice and they're choosing'.
I'm not even sure what she's trying to say in that last sentence, but it is apparently something along the lines of "gay people are bad and darn it, they just won't choose to be un-gay!"
Change.org has generated more than 18,750 signatures on a petition calling for Medley's termination. However, Medley has been defended by Northeast School Corporation Superintendent Mark A. Baker who said she was practicing her First Amendment rights to free speech.
"These comments were expressed during a Sunday community meeting at a local church and at no time was she representing the Northeast School Corporation"
Except that this was apparently a meeting of teachers, parents, and assorted busybodies who were in favor of banning gay & lesbian students from the Sullivan High School Prom. So, clearly she was speaking as someone affiliated with the school.
According to My Wabash Valley.Com:
Several parents, students, and others who believe gays should be banned from the Sullivan High School prom met Sunday at the Sullivan First Christian Church.
"We don't agree with it and it's offensive to us," said Diana Medley.
I don't know where these folks get the idea that anything that bothers them can be banned. You know, there are people who find Christianity offensive, what with its sexism, homophobia, and all-around anti-sex attitude. Should those folks be able to bar Christian teens from school functions?
Their idea is to create their own separate...traditional prom. Students say there are several others from their high school who agree, but are afraid to take a stand.
"If we can get a good prom then we can convince more people to come and follow what they believe," said student Kynon Johnson.
And now they want everyone to know where they stand.
"We want to make the public see that we love the homosexuals, but we don't think it's right nor should it be accepted," said a local student.
And if that's not love, I don't know what is! Who you are is completely wrong and unacceptable, we're going to have a "good prom" and you're not allowed to come. Luv Ya!

Of course, there are those who find this kind of bullying heroic:
"Christians have always been prepared for a fight. Jesus gave us armor for the front, not the back; we're not running anymore," said Bill Phegley with Carlisle Church.
Yeah! You, the vast majority, are no longer going to run from. . . wait. When were you ever running? You think it's courageous for the majority to come together to shun the minority? And you're going to act like it's the gays that have been somehow pushing you around?
And some idiot right-wing talk show host has chimed in with this (via MPS)
Everything is so upside down in our society now and right and wrong have completely switched where what is really wrong is to say you shouldn’t have two boys allowed to go to the high school prom.
Yes. Yes it is really wrong to say that. Glad to see you've come to your senses and. . .Oh, wait. You're being sarcastic, aren't you?
I feel for these Christian kids who are in a prom or kids who are at this high school who say, ‘you know something, do we have to go down this road?’ Whether the homosexual activists like it or not, and I know this isn’t politically correct to say this,
but not everybody wants to see that.
And your rights to be who you are and love whom you love are obviously not as important as the fact that some insufferable prig might be bothered by seeing two boys dancing together.

I know that that’s offensive to the activist crowd, they want us all to see it, they want us all to approve of it, they want us all to call it blessed and okay and rejoice and have parties and throw confetti in the air over this whole thing
Or, they may just want to live their lives without constant harassment and belittlement and condemnation from asswipes like you, but you know,
tomato, tomahto!
But the fact of the matter is it’s a moral issue. You will always have Christians who will disagree with this and why should the rights of the activists trump the rights of Christians?
And there it is, the victim card! You knew it was only a matter of time. Listen radio nut, your Christian rights aren't being violated. No one is telling you that you can't attend the dance. No one is telling you that you can't bring the date of your choosing. Just because someone else's rights get recognized, that's not a diminishment of yours. I know you're used to being treated like the top dog, but rights are not a zero-sum game. Everyone can have rights without you losing yours.
Also, shut up you horrible person.
Because obviously being gay is a handicap, just like a learning disability. It's a kind of sexual dyslexia!
When asked whether she believes gay and lesbian people have a 'purpose', [And what kind of an asshole even asks that question?] Medley said: 'No, I honestly don't. Sorry, but I don't ... A gay person isn't going to come up and make some change unless it's to realize that it was a choice and they're choosing'.
I'm not even sure what she's trying to say in that last sentence, but it is apparently something along the lines of "gay people are bad and darn it, they just won't choose to be un-gay!"

Change.org has generated more than 18,750 signatures on a petition calling for Medley's termination. However, Medley has been defended by Northeast School Corporation Superintendent Mark A. Baker who said she was practicing her First Amendment rights to free speech.
"These comments were expressed during a Sunday community meeting at a local church and at no time was she representing the Northeast School Corporation"
Except that this was apparently a meeting of teachers, parents, and assorted busybodies who were in favor of banning gay & lesbian students from the Sullivan High School Prom. So, clearly she was speaking as someone affiliated with the school.
According to My Wabash Valley.Com:
Several parents, students, and others who believe gays should be banned from the Sullivan High School prom met Sunday at the Sullivan First Christian Church.
"We don't agree with it and it's offensive to us," said Diana Medley.
I don't know where these folks get the idea that anything that bothers them can be banned. You know, there are people who find Christianity offensive, what with its sexism, homophobia, and all-around anti-sex attitude. Should those folks be able to bar Christian teens from school functions?
Their idea is to create their own separate...traditional prom. Students say there are several others from their high school who agree, but are afraid to take a stand.
"If we can get a good prom then we can convince more people to come and follow what they believe," said student Kynon Johnson.
And now they want everyone to know where they stand.
"We want to make the public see that we love the homosexuals, but we don't think it's right nor should it be accepted," said a local student.
And if that's not love, I don't know what is! Who you are is completely wrong and unacceptable, we're going to have a "good prom" and you're not allowed to come. Luv Ya!

Of course, there are those who find this kind of bullying heroic:
"Christians have always been prepared for a fight. Jesus gave us armor for the front, not the back; we're not running anymore," said Bill Phegley with Carlisle Church.
Yeah! You, the vast majority, are no longer going to run from. . . wait. When were you ever running? You think it's courageous for the majority to come together to shun the minority? And you're going to act like it's the gays that have been somehow pushing you around?
And some idiot right-wing talk show host has chimed in with this (via MPS)
Everything is so upside down in our society now and right and wrong have completely switched where what is really wrong is to say you shouldn’t have two boys allowed to go to the high school prom.
Yes. Yes it is really wrong to say that. Glad to see you've come to your senses and. . .Oh, wait. You're being sarcastic, aren't you?
I feel for these Christian kids who are in a prom or kids who are at this high school who say, ‘you know something, do we have to go down this road?’ Whether the homosexual activists like it or not, and I know this isn’t politically correct to say this,
but not everybody wants to see that.

Well, Jeezus, nobody wants to see this, but what can you do?
And your rights to be who you are and love whom you love are obviously not as important as the fact that some insufferable prig might be bothered by seeing two boys dancing together.

I know that that’s offensive to the activist crowd, they want us all to see it, they want us all to approve of it, they want us all to call it blessed and okay and rejoice and have parties and throw confetti in the air over this whole thing
Or, they may just want to live their lives without constant harassment and belittlement and condemnation from asswipes like you, but you know,
tomato, tomahto!
But the fact of the matter is it’s a moral issue. You will always have Christians who will disagree with this and why should the rights of the activists trump the rights of Christians?
And there it is, the victim card! You knew it was only a matter of time. Listen radio nut, your Christian rights aren't being violated. No one is telling you that you can't attend the dance. No one is telling you that you can't bring the date of your choosing. Just because someone else's rights get recognized, that's not a diminishment of yours. I know you're used to being treated like the top dog, but rights are not a zero-sum game. Everyone can have rights without you losing yours.
Also, shut up you horrible person.
Nothing dresses up hate in pretty ribbons like religion can!
What a maroon. She definitely puts the special in Special Ed.
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