Saturday, April 27, 2013

My New favorite Thing In the World, Just in time for Caturday!

It's cardboard Cat Art!
The next big meme: Cardboard Cat Art

I don't know who does these, but they are the best human-cat collaboration since Catwoman!

That was the only other human-cat thing I could think of.
I heard the movie is actually pretty horrible.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those cats are pretty darn good sports for sticking their heads through the cardboard! Of course, they'll probably revenge-poop in the artist's shoes at night.

Kellie @ Delightfully Ludicrous said...

I'm just trying to imagine what my cat would do if I tried to get her to put her head through a hole in a piece of cardboard. Whatever it is, I'm sure my dining room chairs would end up as collateral damage.

Professor Chaos said...

Cats can be remarkably cooperative in service of the arts.