Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma Has Terrible Senators

Really, I can't think of a state with a worse pair of Senators than Coburn and Inhofe.


James Inhofe, mostly famous for his continued insistence that science is just a nefarious plot cooked up by the Weather Channel to undermine capitalism or something, famously came out in opposition to relief spending for states hit by Hurricane Sandy, calling it "pork." So, one might assume that he would continue his principled anti-pork stance against tornado relief spending in Oklahoma. Well, one might assume that if one was completely unfamiliar with Jim Inhofe.

Inhofe: Tornado aid ‘totally different’ from Hurricane Sandy aid


jadedj said...

They're right, it all adds up, every little bit helps and you gotta start somewhere...so how about this? Cut these asswipe's salaries and benefits to help offset the cost of disaster aid in their state.

Btw, I thought your aside snide about no cuts to the military was a damned spot on observation. Cocksuckers, one and all!

brewella deville said...

These two at least know what they are doing, as despicable as their behavior is they still know exactly what they are doing. The sad thing is that the people most affected by this tragedy will use federal disaster relief to rebuild their lives, and then turn around and vote these two scumags back into office because the president is a black man.