. . .They come out with this:

(don't bother trying to read this screenshot)
Yes, the right, funded of course by the loathsome Koch Brothers, has started a campaign to encourage people to refuse to enroll in "Obamacare" with the catchy slogan:
Because freedom's just another word for dying of preventable disease, I guess?
Obamacare will officially kick off on October 1, 2013 with open enrollment through the state and federal government health Exchanges. Exchanges, which are the key to implementing health care reform, threaten individual choices, privacy, freedom and pocketbooks.
Naturally, no explanation is offered as to how exchanges, the whole point of which is top offer choices, will threaten individual choices, or privacy, or pocketbooks. It's just a given that they will.
Obamacare will officially kick off on October 1, 2013 with open enrollment through the state and federal government health Exchanges. Exchanges, which are the key to implementing health care reform, threaten individual choices, privacy, freedom and pocketbooks.
Is that true? Probably not. I mean, if a bunch of wingnuts refuse to drive cars, I don't think the DMV would shut down. But either way, this has to be a new low point for these sons of bitches. (And I mean that literally, they are the offspring of male humans and female dogs)
They are actually sinking to a new low of convincing the ignorant, gullible rubes that listen to right-wing media to forego having the ability to see a doctor or get medicine just for the sheer nihilistic satisfaction of sticking a thumb in the eye of a President they don't like. And some of these fools will take them up on it. And I know, I know, it's easy to say that these horrible people deserve whatever bad things happen to them, but as horrible as they are, they're still people, dammit!
So, other than "Defending your Health Freedom," what other reasons are there for refusing to get insured?
Glad you asked. There are four of them, and they're all bullshit!
Reason #1:
Obamacare is "Medicaid for the middle class" – or as CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin calls Exchange coverage: "a second Medicaid program."
Of course, this is an obvious lie since the exchanges will ONLY offer insurance from private companies, as the President caved shamefully on the public option.
Reason #2:
No Privacy –
Data enters federal database accessible by IRS.
If we've learned anything over the past few weeks it is that you have no privacy at all anymore anyway. I'm not sure what personal information you think that your doctor is going to have to report to the IRS under "Obamacare."
You've got some questionable deductions, Mr. Smith, and I see here that you've been taking boner pills!
Reason the third:
3. Limited Choice –
Coverage is "narrow network" policies.
And finally, reason # four:
4. High Cost Premiums – Income redistribution to pay for Exchange operations and subsidizing high-cost individuals.

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