So Gumout's new ad slogan is "Think with your motorhead."
Wow. That is so stupid in so many ways.
First of all, it's just dumb. I mean, just look at these guys.
Second, those are not motors they have for heads, those are engines.
Third, a guy who's really into cars is called a "gearhead," not a "motorhead."
But most importantly, do you not know who IS called a motorhead? A speed freak.
Why do you think Lemmy chose the name "Motorhead" for his awesome amazing ass-kicking band? Because "Motorhead" was a slang term for an amphetamine abuser which Lemmy was. That's what "motorhead" means, not a person knowledgeable about motors.
Merca is proud of it's stupid.
Your blog is always educational, Professor.
If I can educate just one person about 1970s drug slang, I've done my job!
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