Now I see this:
Ted Cruz: 'We Need 100 More Like Jesse Helms' In The Senate
Posted: 09/11/2013 7:20 pm EDT

And that's not even the crazy part. The crazy part is not that Ted Cruz thinks we need 100 retrograde racist homophobes in the Senate, that's pretty much to be expected from any teabagger. This is the crazy part:
"I’ll tell you something … the very first political contribution I ever made in my life was to Jesse Helms. When I was a kid, I sent $10 to Jesse Helms, ’cause they were beating up on him, they were coming after him hard and I thought it wasn’t right, and at the time my allowance was 50 cents a week,”
What kind of a 10-year-old kid is even aware of Jesse Helms? Much less is a fan? And so much of a fan that he saves up 20 weeks worth of his allowance to send him a contribution? And how does a Hispanic kid choose to donate to one of the most virulent racists the Senate has ever seen?
Also, at 10 years old, little Teddy had already absorbed the Republican right-wing victim mentality. "Oh, they were beating up on him! Oh, they were coming after him! Oh, poor defenseless little Senator Asswwipe, we all must chip in to defend him against whoever 'they' are!""
Seriously, the more I learn about Ted Cruz, the more he creeps me out!