1. Submarine.

Ooh, lucky I didn't see that Ben Stiller was involved in this movie before we watched it or I might have skipped it altogether. Anyway, it's about a boy trying to save his parents' marriage while struggling with his own first love. it reminded me of Wes Anderson, so if you like that sort of thing, you'll probably like this movie.
2. Jesus Henry Christ

This one is about an extremely gifted boy looking for his biological father, and the man who may or may not be him and the girl who might be his half-sister. Toni Collette is terrific as the boy's mother, because she almost always is when she's not doing United States of Tara (good GAWD, was that awful!)
3. Speaking of Toni Collette, The Way Way Back.

I don't actually know if this is on Netflix, we got it from Redbox. Anyway, this is kind of like if you took Meatballs and made the relationship between Bill Murray's "Tripper" and the "Rudy" kid and made that the main plot of the movie, with a lot about the kid's backstory. Sam Rockwell channels Murray taking Liam James under his wing. Pretty good.
4. Super

It's not exactly about an awkward adolescent, but Rainn Wilson is certainly awkward, and in some ways seems to be in an arrested adolescence. Fair warning: This movie is really really violent. But also funny. And sad. It's basically a much much darker version of "Kick-Ass," with a protagonist who is clearly disturbed and his female sidekick, played by Ellen Page, who also has serious issues. It's good. But definitely not for everyone.
Haven't seen any of these!
Nice job!
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