Like one of our nation's most prestigious bastions of journalism?
Because this is what they've been reduced to:
One way to end violence against women? Married dads.
The data show that #yesallwomen would be safer with fewer boyfriends around their kids.
Now that may sound awful, but compare it to the original headline
(source: Wonkette)

Jeezus Christ! Taking lovers? To whom is this article targeted, Lady Chatterly?
The dramatic social media response to the UC-Santa Barbara shooting, captured by the hashtag #YesAllWomen, underlined an important and unpleasant truth: across the United States, millions of girls and women have been abused, assaulted, or raped by men, and even more females fear that they will be subject to such an attack
This social media outpouring makes it clear that some men pose a real threat to the physical and psychic welfare of women and girls. But obscured in the public conversation about the violence against women is the fact that some other men are more likely to protect women, directly and indirectly, from the threat of male violence: married biological fathers.
I don't know what's worse, the notion that women wouldn't be getting violenced if they would just quit catting around and marry that nice boy, or the stunning ignorance it takes to posit that women are never beaten up or killed by a man to whom they are married!

All the research they would have needed to do.
Also, I'm a little curious, would being married have protected any of the victims of the Santa Barbara shooting spree you referenced above? Maybe wedding rings work like wonder woman's bracelets?

Too bad, sucker. I'm married!
But marriage also seems to cause men to behave better. That’s because men tend to settle down after they marry, to be more attentive to the expectations of friends and kin, to be more faithful, and to be more committed to their partners—factors that minimize the risk of violence.
You haven't met a lot of married men, have you?
I mean, sure, some of them are me, but most married men are not me. (sorry, ladies) You think a wedding ceremony takes the jerk out of a jerk? I'm pretty sure that a lot of abusive men want to marry, because they feel that marriage gives them a claim of ownership on the woman they marry.
At any rate, why are we always trying to teach women tricks for avoiding violent men instead of teaching men and boys not to be violent?
my father was married and violent.
since the grahams no longer own the WaPo, it's turned to shit.
Wait...these are the same guys who broke the Watergate story...right? WTF happened?
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