This has just gotten insane!
Alabama Minister Arrested for Disorderly Conduct After Trying to Officiate Gay Marriage
It's not bad enough that troglodyte chief justice Roy Moore has decided that Alabamans don't have to obey the law if they don't want to, now they can arrest someone who does obey the law?
Same-sex couples married in some Alabama courthouses today, but many counties refused to allow the unions despite rulings on Monday from a federal judge and the U.S. Supreme Court to permit them.
Jeezus Christ! Haven't we been over this already? Didn't you assholes already try try this shit with segregation? And you're still just going to pretend that the Supremacy Clause doesn't exist?
As of Friday, the Autauga County Probate Office ceased all marriages inside the office. Probate Judge Al Booth told the Montgomery Advertiser newspaper that the decision to stop performing the ceremonies was related to work flow, not the recent federal court order lifting the state’s ban on same-sex marriages.
Oh, of course. Of course. There are just so darn many people trying to have their weddings at the Astauga County courthouse, you just can't possibly accommodate all of them! The only way to be fair is to just not do your fucking job for any loving couples. gay or breeder. Of course!

Autauga County Sheriff Joe Sedinger tells ABC News that Diprizio's attempt to perform a marriage was the only reason she was arrested for disorderly conduct and not with the fact it was a same-sex marriage.
Of course. It's weddings in general to which you object.

How many times do you slack-jawed yokels want to re-fight the Civil War? The Supreme Court of the United States is, as the name implies, the supreme court of the United States. If they say same-sex marriage is legal, guess what, moron? It's legal. Do you never tire of being on the wrong side of history?
You're just lucky Ike isn't president anymore, or he'd have the National Guard down there enforcing the goddamm law.
Appalling. And thanks for posting my favourite Judge Judy gif enough. Can't get enough of it!
george wallace is probably ROTF.
WTeverlovinF is it with these hillbillies?
Alabama is really putting the 'ass' in backasswards.
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