Hard to imagine this not turning out horribly.
Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio to send armed volunteers to protect churches
Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio will send armed volunteers into 60 predominantly black churches Sunday in response to the shooting at a Charleston, S.C., church.Arpaio said he was responding to a request from Rev. Jarrett Maupin, who USA Today reported is a progressive Baptist preacher and civil-rights advocate, to provide the volunteers.Arpaio said Maupin told him he was worried about racist white supremacists in the area, according to USA Today.

Pretty sure the last thing these black churches need is a bunch of gun-toting rednecks stomping around their houses of worship. You know, when I was a kid I got bit by a dog and for a while I was afraid of dogs and my parents didn't get me a fucking watchdog to make me feel safe. But if Joe Arpaio was my dad, that's probably what he would have come up with.
Arpaio took a similar approach after the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., when he sent more than 100 volunteers to prove security outside of his county's schools.
Kevin Ray Campos was arrested in 2007 outside a Scottsdale club for disorderly conduct. According to the police report, he spit on several bouncers and then hurled profanities at a Scottsdale police officer. He pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, according to court records, and was hired as a posse member a year later.
And then there was Jacob Cutler. According to a Flagstaff police report, Cutler threw his girlfriend to the ground and choked her while trying to sexually assault her in 2008. When she didn’t cooperate, he allegedly threatened to call police and said they would side with him, because he “has a badge.” He was a member of Arpaio’s posse at the time.
And then there’s the accusation from 2007 that a driver backed into Clark’s car and then left the scene. Clark allegedly followed the car, rammed the vehicle and held the driver and passenger at gunpoint, all while he was off-duty.
Yet, Clark still remains in the posse.
Who could've guessed that a bunch of Arizona teabaggers who would volunteer to march around playing cops and robbers with real guns might have a violent streak?
Like I always say, if everybody carried guns, then no one, anywhere, any time, ever, would get shot.
Or wait; have I never said that? Yeah, that's it.
Arpaio and his crowd make the other criminals look not so bad.
And "progessive Baptist" is an oxymoron! A Baptist by definition is an other-worldly believer in nonsense and can in no sense be considered a "progressive."
I dunno, isn't Jimmy Carter a Baptist?
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