11 House Republicans have sent a letter to Jeff Sessions, the head of the FBI and, for some reason, the US Attorney for Utah to refer several people for investigation/prosecution. (https://desantis.house.gov/_cache/files/8/0/8002ca75-52fc-4995-b87e-43584da268db/472EBC7D8F55C0F9E830D37CF96376A2.final-criminal-referral.pdf )
Who are the nefarious evildoers they want to see get arrested? Well, the rogues' gallery includes.
James Comey
Hillary Clinton
Loretta Lynch
Andrew McCabe
Pretty much a most-wanted list of supervillains.
Just look at the crimes these magnificent 11 are alleging that these ne-er-do-wells have committed.
James Comey: Charged with not prosecuting Hillary Clinton when she totally did e-mails. Also with keeping memos of his meetings with Donald Trump.
Seriously, check out the letter. It's a pdf, so I can't cut and paste any excerpts and the screenshots are getting screwed up, but click on the link and you'll see I am not making this up!
Hillary Clinton: Charged with having paid for oppo research.

Hmm, weird.
I guess they decided to give her a pass on murdering everyone in Benghazi! Benghazi!! BENGHAZI!!!
Anyway, there are very serious charges levied against everyone on the list, including "lacking candor" and a thing that some nutter on FOX claimed that Loretta Lynch did.

I don't know which is a more disturbing possibility. That these eleven menebers of Congress - not 11 guys standing on milk crates with bullhorns on Los Angeles street corners, but eleven actual, honest-to-God members of Congress -- The US Congress!-- actually believe in their Alex-Jones-addled brain-like objects that Comey, Clinton, et al are actually guilty of these made-up "crimes," or that these eleven members of Congress are so committed to turning the United States of America into a tin-pot dictatorship that they are actively trying to drum up spurious charges against anyone they perceive as one of Il Douche's political enemies. Either way, it's awfully frightening.
Here is the list of the eleven either super-corrupt or super-crazy reps who signed this insane letter.
Look for your rep here. Remember these ppl. #Virginia NO@DaveBratVA7th @vademocrats @womensmarch pic.twitter.com/yW9AsYR3C5— smol🐣🐇 (@1line2line3) April 18, 2018
Welcome back, Professor. In case you didn't notice, the world went to hell in a handbasket while you were gone. Good thing you're on the job again.
"brain-like objects" LOL
These are the kinds of prosecutions that happened under Stalin. The actual charges are absurd because the true crime being prosecuted is "being disliked by the Glorious Leader for whatever reason".
Well, there is nothing to stop districts full of knuckle-dragging Deliverance mutants from electing their own kind to Congress. The judicial branch has managed to squelch a lot of this kind of bullshit so far, but I really wish we were counting on the ethical standards of someone other than Jeff sessions to nip it in the bud.
Haha, you said "ethical standards" and "Jeff Sessions" in the same sentence!
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