Why did I have to see this headline on Twitter? Posted from BoingBoing?
Why was this not on the front page of my morning paper?
Economists reverse claims that $15 Seattle minimum wage hurt workers, admit it was largely beneficial

Yes. I do. Of course.
Earlier this year, a group of business school researchers from the University of Washington and NYU, as well as Amazon, published an influential paper . . .
Wait. Why does Amazon get to publish academic papers?

Yeah, okay.
Earlier this year, a group of business school researchers from the University of Washington and NYU, as well as Amazon, published an influential paper claiming that the rising Seattle minimum wage had decreased take-home pay for workers by 6% due to cuts to work hours -- the paper was trumpeted by right-wing ideologues as examples of how "liberal policies" hurt the workers they are meant to help.
Yes, because "liberal policies" force employers to be cheap shitty bastards who will do anything to avoid paying their employees one dime more than the absolute minimum they can get away with. Oh, wait! That happens in every city, not just Seattle! It's almost as if those right wing pundits just make shit up and no one calls them on it!
But a new paper by the same authors (Sci-Hub mirror) shows that the rising minimum wage generated major increases for the workers who had the most hours, whose hours were only cut a little, but still came out ahead thanks to the wage increase;
Well, I expect that any minute now we will see the news networks flooded with right-wing commentators explaining how they got this so wrong.

Okay, Okay, but surely the news programs will now have to have left-leaning economists on since they were right all along, right?

Okay, but the numbers don't lie. The charts, the graphs. . .

Seattle remains the West Coast leader
for employment growth,
fueling multifamily market strength
September 25, 2018

I mean, they can't just ignore the undeniable facts, right?

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