Saturday, February 23, 2019

This is the dumbest rabbit hole I have ever been down.

Somehow, this Tweet showed up in my Twitter notifications as if it were a reply to one of my tweets. I have yet to figure out to what this is replying.

So, being a normal person, I naturally respomded

And immediately got this response:

So I clicked on it and began to read because I'm more curious than I am smart. IAlmost right away I had a question:

And I immediately got this response which I assume was translated from English into Japanese then back into English then into Esperanto and then had the William S. Burroughs cut-up method applied to it:

This did not answer my question. So I clarified:

No response. I don't know if I pissed this person off or maybe Nurse Ratched took their phone away, but I still didn't know what B.A. R. stood for.

So, because I never learn, I headed to the Google.

Typing "What is B.A.R." into Google was not at all edifying. There are plenty of articles about the Barr association, cocktail bars, barometric pressure and Browning Automatic Rifles, but I don't think any of them had any information on why a legal name would be illegal. So, I went back to the original link.

Image result for mistake guy gif

That took me to some sort of legal document written by a "Kate of . . . Kaea?" I would swear that the last time I looked, she was calling herself "Kate of Gaia."

Oh, but that will actually make sense in a minute. I mean, not "sense." It won't make "sense" as you and I understand the word "sense," but it will be, let's say, "unsurprising" that Kate would have changed her name in the last 48 hours.


For those of you who didn't take Latin in high school, Clausula rebus sic stantibus (Latin for "things thus standing"), in public international law, is the legal doctrine allowing for a treaty to become inapplicable because of a fundamental change of circumstances. (Wikipedia)


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It's gonna get Ca-Razzzzy!

Now, I did NOT go to law school, but I have seen a bunch of Law and Orders so I think I'm qualified to say that this is probably not the most advisable way to begin a legal document:

“ATTENTION: Lawyer, Judge, Government Agent/employee, Police, Common Man etc. et al/any/all who serve as a fictional LEGAL NAME/TITLE/I.D.-ENTITY (pronounced phonetically example: “leg-all enemy”((N-AM-E), “tit-El”/Luciferian)) character in the legal world reality;

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I mean, you had me at ATTENTION," but after that you kinda lost me.

Okay, so I've looked into this a bit, and it seems that a lot of Kate-of-wherever's philosophy revolves around the fact that words can be spelled phonetically and there are homonyms in the English language, and that leads to something called "phonics deception" which, as you might have guessed, hands your child over to Satan.

Well, it's a bit tricky. I found a blog that Kate has where she gives a nice tidy explanation - - Just kidding, it's goddamm gibberish!

Legal Name Fraud Explained

by kate of kaia

(yes, this time its "Kaia.")

Let's skip past her "explanation" of what the term "fraud" means and get to the  Satan part.

When pair-ents (two minds) or payer-rents choose to REGISTER their children, they are LITERALLY trading off the life source of the being that is SUCKED into that body in this reality for the whore of Baby-loans LEGAL NAME dead child, in essence, ADOPTING Satan’s child in LLEU of heaven’s child. The Laws-R-us effect, raising the dead NAME DEMON and razing the living consciousness you THINK of as YOU and every other human being as well as all sentient life in this reality. In short, YOU offer up your living child as a sacrifice to Satan while your living child commits sign after sign (sin upon sin) and ADOPT the dead LEGAL DEMON literally breathing life into evil with every creation thenceforth.

Image result for Oh, of course!

Well, sure. that makes perfect sense! I mean, a couple goes to the hospital, the baby is born, the parents (Which is a word that sounds sorta like "pay-rents" - makes you think, eh?) give a name for the birth certificate, and then go home with a changeling because. . . um. . .

and now a word from our sponsor…

Now, ordinarily I would just think "oh, that's sad. this lady is nuts," but something weird is happening. According to the website "Lowering the Bar," there seems to be some money behind this. . . I don't want to say "movement," but. . . this "idea?"

As BBC reporter Jon Kelly wrote the other day, billboards like the one above have been popping up all over the UK. They are getting a lot of publicity, which is what billboards are supposed to do, but in this case nobody’s sure what the publicity is for, or exactly who is paying to get it or why. Or what it even means.
And it seems that Kate-of-Goya or whatever isn't the only one trying this legal, um, "strategy."

Believe it or not, the plaintiff who filed this is complaining about somebody else's grammar:

Anyway, I'm sure there is much much farther to go down this particular rabbit hole, but I'm done. This is just too stupid, it's not even entertaining anymore.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

As soon as I started reading your post, I assumed this was all part of the legalese bullshit usually pulled by the "Freemen on the Land" movement which shuns all government laws and regulations and litigates all kind of nonsensical idiocy in an effort to disrupt the system and "live free." I don't know if they harp on Satan a lot, so I don't know if this is the same bunch, but if not, then they're some kind of whacko copycat bunch of malcontents.

Professor Chaos said...

There seems to be a lot of overlap between these folks and the "freemen" or "sovereign citizen" nuts.

anne marie in philly said...

can you "spot the looney"? IT'S THEM!