Rio chosen over Chicago, hmmm. . .
Yes, clearly this is a repudiation of president Obama, what other reason could there be for the memebers of the IOC to choose Rio

Hmmm. . . What does Rio have

that Chicago doesn't?

Tough call!

Chicago. . .
. . .Rio

Famous Chicagoan. . .

. . . famous Rioan

Chicago's main export . . .

. . . Rio's main export.
yeah, it's a puzzle all right. I guess there's no one to blame but President Obama. Way to go, Mr. President! You blew it!
That's a great post, but it's also a firm argument that it had nothing to do with our president! :)
Most of the world appears to prefer Obama to G W Bush.
Then again its a small victory but any politician will take any victory.
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