Democrats may stand in Obama's way on gun measures
By Associated Press – 10 hrs ago |
Of course, they will. Of course.
All eyes are on these dozen or so Democrats, some of whom face re-election in 2014. That includes Sens. Max Baucus of Montana, Mark Begich of Alaska and Mark Pryor of Arkansas.
Of course it's Baucus. Of course it is.

Somebody better primary that piece of shit blue-dog coward.
Anyone who places more importance on his re-election than on maybe saving some innocent lives does not deserve another term. Anyone who doesn't support gun-control measures had damn well better get primaried, whether their opposition stems from electoral cowardice or from a sincere love of guns.
What the hell is the point of getting elected if you're not going to do at least this simple, obvious right thing.
The political concerns of Democrats create problems for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who has his own history with the NRA.
The powerful gun lobby endorsed him in previous elections, but stayed neutral in his most recent race, in 2010. Even before Obama announced the gun proposals this month, Reid told a Nevada PBS station that an assault weapons ban would have a hard time getting through Congress. That comment irked Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., author of such a ban.
Is anyone not sick to death of Harry Reid?
How the fuck did this guy ever get to be in charge?
He should have been bounced out of his leadership position when he rolled over during the health-care debate. Republicans whined that they needed time to go back and consult with their constituencies before voting and Reid seriously couldn't see through this? Seemingly, he really thought that they were going to go back to their constituents and listen to their input and then come back saying "well, the voters seem to like this idea, so I guess I'll vote yes!" Maybe he couldn't have foreseen the Republicans bussing in groups of Cro-Magnon morons to scream about death panels and tyranny and wanting their country back, but he had to know they were up to no good. At best, this was a stalling tactic. But Reid walked right into their little trap as if he had never met these assholes and thought they would bargain in good faith.

I can't believe anyone in the House or Senate is still afraid of the NRA. You know they don't even represent their own membership, right? Most NRA members want universal background checks.
Have you seen the polling? (LINK)
1 comment:
There you go, using that word sensible again.
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