Israel wants US compensation for Iranian deal
"There is no point in criticising the administration for now, because soon we will need to speak with the Americans about the amount of compensation to Israel,” another anonymous source told Arutz Sheva, an Israeli right wing news portal.
Compensation? Compensation? Why the fuck should you get compensation? The US and other nations made a deal with Iran. It's not costing you anything. It has nothing to do with you.
I am so goddamm sick of Israel driving our foreign policy just because a bunch of American mouth-breathers think that Jesus can't come back and start the Apocalypse without Israel being protected by us.
So, you know what Israel? The grownups are doing diplomacy. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
And as to the matter of compensation. . .

bibi is a terrorist. and I too am tired of our guvmint throwing money down the shitter by giving to israel. let's mind our own business and they can fight amongst themselves.
More shit that leaves me speechless. You are correct...major cajones.
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