And of course, there's the usual bullshit of "no president has ever before been chummy with a dictator, blah blah blah. . ." Although it takes a special level of chutzpah to keep up that line after two of your guests have already shown it to be the utter bullshit that it is.
For the record:

George W. Bush getting "chummy" with a dictator.
Ronald reagan getting chummy with Mobutu Sese Seko
Reagan with the Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos
Kissinger with Pinochet
Donald Rumsfeld with Sadam Hussein. (Sent by Ronald Reagan)
Gerald Ford with Brezhnev
Gerald Ford with Suharto.
Nixon with Brezhnev
Eisenhower with Kruschev
Eisenhower and Nixon with Kruschev
Harry S. Truman with Josef Stalin.
So, yeah. Totally unprecedented.