And last weekend, we finally attended one we've been wanting to see since we moved here, the Dragon*Con Parade.
For those of you not familiar, Dragon*Con is maybe the largest (I have no idea) gathering of sci-fi/fantasy/video game/ comic book aficionados.
I've never been a big sci-fi or fantasy fan, but I am a fan of creative people in elaborate costumes.
Anyway, I have no idea who a lot of the characters are, but I am really impressed with the talent of the costume people. (please don't make me say "cos-players")

This pretty much seems like Dragon*Con in a nutshell. A Star Wars jedi (I think) LARPing with a 300 Gladiator. (probably)
No idea.
Um, Barrel People?
The Men in Black make themselves useful and arrest Jar Jar Binks.
The World's Second-Littlest Ghostbuster
Stormtroopers in kilts, because why not?
Same deal.
I guess that's enough for now. Maybe I'll post a few more tomorrow.