And I know that there is nothing funny about homophobia, but sometimes its practitioners are just soooooo ridiculous that I can't help but laugh.
Case in point, Florida (of course) State Representative Charles Van Zant
(Presumablyno relation to Townes. Or to Little Steven) who offered up this gem:
These people, that will now receive $220 million from the state of
Florida unless this is stopped, will promote double-mindedness in state
education and attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can. I’m sorry to report that to you.
The part that makes me laugh is the "as homosexual as they can possibly be" line. Because I picture some sort of gayness coach saying things like "Okay, so you're attracted to members of your own gender, that's great. But I know you can be more homosexual than that. Come on, kid you can do it!"
Keep working. . ..
Getting there. . .
C'mon kid, I need you to be as homosexual as you possibly can!
Yeah! I knew you could do it!
Oh, by the way, the thing that's going to make Florida's children all turn as gay as they possibly can be? Common Core.
No, really.
Or, more specifically, the company that will be administering the tests.
Rep. Charles Van Zant says testing company promotes homosexuality
Lawmaker stands by comments in interview with Channel 4
I don't know how creating testing materials is supposed to turn kids gay. I could see how a paranoid troglodyte might think that a teacher could slip enough pro-gay propaganda into class materials to somehow influence little hetero kids into thinking "girls sure are purty, but have I ever really given dick a chance?" But how the testing company is supposed to do that is beyond me.
ORLANDO, Fla. - A state lawmaker from Clay County claims the company
charged with creating new state standardized tests in Florida promotes
“Please, go on their website. Click the link to what they’re doing with
youth and you will see what their agenda really is," said Van Zant.
"They are promoting as hard as they can any youth that is interested in
the LGBT agenda and even name it 2-S, as they define as having two
spirits. The Bible says a lot about being double-minded."
It does? double-mindedness? That's something that comes up a lot, does it? Because in all my Bible-studyin' years, I don't remember that term ever coming up. But okay, I'll click the link, why not? American Institutes for Research
Adolescence marks a time of
tremendous opportunity for positive growth and development as young
people transition into adulthood. Exclusion, rejection or bias can make
this journey perilous. A disproportionate number of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender youth experience physical and emotional abuse
at home, in school and in their communities simply because of their
Ooh! What a controversial stance! Many LGBT youth get treated shitty by people? That translates into "soon you will all join us on the dark side, by which I mean the gay side, bwah hah hah hah!!" ?
new guide provides information for educators, human service providers
and allies about supporting the health and well-being of children and
youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex
and/or two-spirit (LGBTQI2-S) and their families.
Or, in other words. . .
Join me, and together we will rule the Castro!
Also, it may be worth noting that they pretty specifically do not call homosexuality "S-2" or "two spririts. That is mentioned as a seperate category of being "intersex." Which is pretty different, I think. I mean, I'm not the biggest expert in what the scary non-breeder people are up to to try and destroy America, but I'm pretty sure that intersex and gay are two separate things.
Anyway, it may shock you to learn that while the AIR website says many positive things about treating LGBT youth like decent human beings, nowhere on the page does it mention anything about how to turn straight kids gay, let alone how to get them to be as homosexual as they can possibly be.
D'oh! Why did I provide a link to a page that shows how full of shit I am?
Oh, right. Florida!
Van Zant confirmed he made the comments at an event two months ago,
although he did not know he was being recorded on video. He said Common
Core could introduce homosexuality to children, something he said should
be left to parents to discuss with their kids. “I don't think that has any place being introduced in Florida schools,” Van Zant said.
And neither does science! Or History. Or Geography. The only textbooks we need are the Bible and everything by David Barton!
Who, perhaps not coincidentally, looks like the guy who kidnapped Helena on Orphan Black.
Anyway, here's the video, via Think Progress, in case you don't think that anyone could be this fucking weird and stupid.
This reminds me of a sarcastic affirmation that was popular in the LGBTQ community (at least here in Canada) about 20 years ago where we would sarcastically promise "to be the best darn homosexual I can be!"
Also, "two spirited" is the aboriginal term for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. It encompasses everything and is based on the idea that such people uniquely have two spirits (both male and female) within them, while straight or cisgendered people have only one (male or female). So it's a different conception than regular LGBTQ terminology that does indeed distinguish sexual orientation as being separate or different than gender identity, as you note.
I love how these wingnuts give us so much power.
i mean, if we were so capable of turning people gay, wouldn't y'all be gay by now???
Having grown up in North Florida, all I can say is...Clay County. That explains it all for me.
This reminds me of a sarcastic affirmation that was popular in the LGBTQ community (at least here in Canada) about 20 years ago where we would sarcastically promise "to be the best darn homosexual I can be!"
Also, "two spirited" is the aboriginal term for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. It encompasses everything and is based on the idea that such people uniquely have two spirits (both male and female) within them, while straight or cisgendered people have only one (male or female). So it's a different conception than regular LGBTQ terminology that does indeed distinguish sexual orientation as being separate or different than gender identity, as you note.
Phew! What a long-winded comment! Sorry.
Never apologize for enlightening me!
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